Government 1 A Weeks 1-12

Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


Is the Family a Legitimate Form of Government?-100

Family is defiantly a legitimate form of government. Families make their own laws for disciplining children as well as rules that have sanctions for following theses laws and breaking them. Families hold the right to religious worship. It is not something that the state should interfere with. The family can educate their children in any way they see fit. The state has no right intervening in this process that comes with the raising of children and what they will do later in life. The family has a right to leave things behind for the children to inherit. The state has no right and cannot decide to whom inherited goods and money should go. If the goods or money are what a family has handed down, than only the family should be able to inherit it.



Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


In a 100 words- Family Government based on five institutional characteristics: sovereignty, hierarchy (authority), law, sanctions, and succession.


The family begins when a husband and wife are exclusively bonded. The children are under the parent’s authority. The rules are set by the parents. The parents have the right to impose sanctions. Adult children are legally independent of the parents. The state does not create the family. The state is not responsible for the children and does not establish family ethics. The state does not impose the sanctions and must not treat adults as children. The family has the right to do all of this and the state has not right to intervene with the discipline of the children and their education.



Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“Online education is bad for society because it puts classroom teachers out of work.”

Online Education is not necessarily bad for society because it puts classroom people out of work. These people can just go to work on online education websites and get jobs there. People think that it is bad, but if these teachers get work at the fast growing online schools, there will be plenty of work to do and lots of jobs to be filled for different subjects in an online classroom. If some people lose their jobs in a classroom, let them take a look at doing online classroom lessons and see how that works better for the person teaching.



Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


100 words on this topic: “Describe Bastiat’s concept of the politics of plunder.”


He believes that though the law is supposed to prevent harm, it is used to impose harm. This he calls plunder. The correct definition of plunder is that it is the opposite of the idea of property. It is the involuntary transfer of property from the original owner to the new owner. He says that the law performs the action that it is supposed to oppress. The law is supposed to protect private assaults on personality, liberty, and property. The law now assaults all three. The law is to impose negative sanction only and it is being used to plunder the masses.



Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


Write 100 words on this topic: “If the state is strong enough to do something good for you, it can also do something bad to you.”

The state is strong enough to do something good for you, yes. But that doesn’t mean that something bad won’t come of it. Take charity for example, the benefits of from charity are visible. But the benefits from capital investment are not. The state taxes some people to protect others from completion. The benefits are concentrated and easy to see. The costs aren’t. The employees who are members of a union are protected from competition. Those not in a union pay the price. They have no right to bid for the job. This is how the government reduces competition and how they keep people from forming businesses of their own that may be better than what the government has and now they are making a way of stopping it.



Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“Is it possible to have state subsidies without state control?”

It really isn’t possible to have state subsidies without state control, if you want my opinion. The reason for this is that, if the state is the one handing out the subsidies, then why shouldn’t the state gain control? The state hands theses amount of money out to win votes for themselves and they also make people begin to depend on them for things like welfare. People can have their own charities, but with the government doing them, people become to dependant on welfare and can’t hold their own when it disappears. This, to me, means that it isn’t possible for the government to be charitable without controlling anything as a consequence.


Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“Who should have the authority to set prices, the free market or the state? Why?”

I believe that the free market should have the authority to set the prices. The state does not have any right to interfere with the free market. They create price ceilings and floors that aren’t really needed and this in turn creates false price signals. The customers should have the authority to decide how something is priced. If they don’t like it, then the seller knows to make a better product or quit selling that one and the price lowers. If they do like it, then the seller knows to make more of that product and the price gets higher. The state makes this hard to achieve, after all, the state is not what the seller is selling the product for. The seller is selling it to the customers and this is the free market that decides the price of items being sold in stores.



Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“Are price controls are people controls.”

The state puts price controls on things and then says that they are doing it to help the people. The truth of the matter is, they are actually controlling people by not letting them decide how and what, the prices should be. If people, the customers, could decide how the prices are, then the free market would actually be free. The state says they do it to help, but in truth, they are hindering our freedom which means that they can control what people do and what they buy. The voters think that they are voting to allow the state to help people. The state never, of course, tells people what the real purpose of their price controls are. Price controls are people controls and that is true in every aspect of price floors and ceilings.



Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“How could voluntary arrangements solve this problem if the state did not impose the politics of plunder?”

I’m doing my essay on chapter 18 “Customers ought to be protected by price controls.” Voluntary arrangements could solve this problem by letting the people decide what the price controls should be. Letting the government ‘protect’ the customers by price controls, just means that the government wants more control over what people. Just because one person thought that the price was too much, doesn’t mean that everybody else felt the same way. Not everybody can pay the price and not everybody likes the price, but that is no real good reason to go and ask the government to intervene with the free market. The government just wants to control what people buy and use this as a topic for politics which turns it into political plunder.


Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“Should the police be allowed to enforce a politician’s verbal restriction against making a video of him at an open meeting?”

The police may try to carry out this verbal restriction by the politician, but the cell phones keep coming out and the video still ends up on YouTube. As to whether or not they should be allowed, I don’t that they should be allowed to do because even if they do, that politician will still get videoed at that open meeting. Bringing in the police on this issue just makes me believe that politicians are nice listeners and know how to listen, but when they comment after that person has left, they tend to have an entirely different opinion of what the person was saying. They sometimes forget that they are being videoed when they say or do this thing and that could cause then to lose the campaign. So, I just think that they are scared nitwits and don’t have any right to whether or not people can video them at open meetings. It’s no use trying, so I say leave well enough alone and be more careful of what you are saying. The politicians are getting paranoid.


Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“Should the group in a legislator’s district that got him elected monitor his votes, and recruit someone to run against him in the next primary if he starts voting wrong?”

When a legislator is a part-time legislature and spends most of his time in his hometown, chances are, he will vote for what the town wants. The people on the hometown will influence the legislator to vote for what they believe should be changed. They monitor the legislator’s votes to make sure he is doing this. When this part-time legislator becomes a full-time legislator, he will be spending more time in the capital and less time in his hometown. He will begin to be influenced by people already on the legislature to vote the way they want. This will make him start to swing away from what he was originally sent there to do. His voting patterns will change and the people who got him elected will begin to get angry at him. I believe that this gives the people who got the legislator elected in the first place have the right to recruit someone to run against him in the next primary if he starts voting wrong. He has changed his political views from the ones that he was elected to promote.


Rachel Taylor

Government 1 A

Dr. Gary North


“Is restitution to victims better for society than jail sentences for criminals?”

I believe that restitution to victims is better for society than jail sentences for criminals. If restitution for the crime was paid (usually meaning the criminal returns in five fold what he stole from the victim) the criminal might make amends for his new way of life by realizing that getting caught and then having to work to pay back the victim for what he stole, isn’t really worth the risk of stealing. Stealing will seem more risky, with the punishment being worse than a jail sentence to the criminal. In jail, criminals make friends with other criminals and tend to not change their ways when they get out of jail. Criminals aren’t taught any trades while they are in jail. If they were working in restitution, they would be learning a trade and could use that to continue their lives going down a better path.

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